Mac to pc keyboard mapping
Mac to pc keyboard mapping

mac to pc keyboard mapping
  1. Mac to pc keyboard mapping mac os x#
  2. Mac to pc keyboard mapping mac os#
  3. Mac to pc keyboard mapping plus#
  4. Mac to pc keyboard mapping windows#

On Mac, this key is labeled “delete” or ⌦. The Delete ⌦ key is located in the Home/ End key cluster. Use 2-finger swipe to the left to go back.

Mac to pc keyboard mapping mac os#

Key to “go back” to a previous visited page.įor some time around 2005 to 2013, Mac OS X's Safari browser also started to do the same, but removed this shortcut again when gesture with touchpad becomes popular. It delete texts to the left of the cursor. When in text editing, the Backspace ⌫ is used the same way in both OS X and Windows. On Apple keyboards, this key is labeled “delete”. On PC keyboards, there is a Backspace ⌫ key on the main section. ( ⌘ command+ o to open the file.) Backspace Key

mac to pc keyboard mapping

In Mac desktop (Finder), when a file is selected, Enter will activate file rename.

Mac to pc keyboard mapping windows#

In Microsoft Windows desktop (Explorer), when a file is selected, Enter will open the file. (it sends a different key signal.) Enter/Return Key Conventions

mac to pc keyboard mapping

Note: the main enter/return key is different from the Enter on number keypad. On Apple's keyboards, the main enter key is usually labeled “return” or just by a symbol “↩”. On PC keyboard, the main enter key is labeled “Enter ↵”. Note the return/enter key, with dual labels. If you use a Windows keyboard on a Mac, the ▤ Menu key does Ctrl+ p.

mac to pc keyboard mapping

The key's function is similar to the mouse's right button, or pressing Shift+ F10 in most applications. The ▤ Menu key, also called Application key, is invented by Microsoft. It is similar to MS Window's use of the Ctrl key. Under Mac, the Command key is used as a modifier key to invoke shortcuts. For example, ❖ Window+ d gets you the desktop.

  • When pressed with letter key, it invokes a command that's meaningful system-wide.
  • Microsoft logo key invokes the Start menu.
  • Their behaviors are different in Mac and Windows. ❖ Window and ⌘ command both send the same USB scancode. Those colored orange are prefix keys, allowing you to type accented characters such as é ü ô. Hold ⌥ option down to type Unicode symbols. For example, in ⌘ command+ ⌥ option+ h invokes the menu in all Apple applications.
  • Option key is used as a modifier key together with the ⌘ command key.
  • For example, ⌥+ 8 will insert the bullet character “
  • Option key is used to insert special characters, such as “.
  • For example, ⌥ option+ → moves cursor by word.

    Mac to pc keyboard mapping plus#

    If your Windows's keyboard layout is set to a European language, then right Alt plus a letter key inserts special characters.For example, hold Alt then type 0225 on numeric keypad will insert “á”. When held down then type a number on the numeric keypad, it enters a special character.For example, Alt+ F4 closes the current window. When pressed simultaneously with a key, it invoke a command directly.For example, pressing (and releasing) Alt by itself will activate the graphical menu, then the user can press a alphabetic key to invoke a menu command or use arrow keys to navigate the menu.Īlt e c invokes the copy command in edit menu, in Notepad and most other Microsoft Windows apps. The Alt key in MS Windows has several different uses: ⌥ option on Apple keyboard and Alt on PC keyboards both send the same USB scancode.

    Mac to pc keyboard mapping mac os x#

    Mac OS X by default supports emacs basic cursor movement keybindings.ĭelete current position to end of line Ctrl+ y For example,Ĭtrl+ ⌘ command+ 1 show bookmarks sidebar. When used, it is as a modifier in combination with other modifier keys. The Control key under Mac is rarely used. Copy is ⌘ command+ c, Paste is ⌘ command+ v. On the Mac, Command key is used for keyboard shortcuts. For example, Copy is Ctrl+ c, Paste is Ctrl+ v. The Control Key in Windows is used for keyboard shortcuts. On Apple keyboard, you have Ctrl, ⌥ option (alt/option), ⌘ command (command) keys.Ĭontrol Ctrl ( ⌃), ⌥ option (Alt), ⌘ commandĬontrol Key Control Key in Microsoft Windows On the PC keyboard, you have the Ctrl (Control key), ❖ Window (Windows logo key), Alt (alternate key). This page discuss differences between Apple Keyboard and Windows keyboard.

    Mac to pc keyboard mapping